
High Performance Computing (HPC) applications consist of concurrent programs with multi-process and/or multithreaded models with varying degrees of parallelism to perform tasks, with the objective of achieving gains in performance. This interaction may occur synchronously or not, where processes/threads may or may not compete for the same computational resources. These, among other characteristics, make the testing activity in this context even more complex compared to the traditional (sequential) software context. In addition, a wide variety of techniques have been proposed in recent years to support the testing of concurrent programs. selectt2 is beyond providing access to information on the techniques that compose the current state of the concurrent software testing area, as a scientific contribution it allows the automation of the selection process, which facilitates the decision-making process on the choice of the most appropriate testing technique for determined software project, with less effort and based on theoretical foundation and knowledge of experts who have worked extensively on the study and application of testing technique on concurrent software in this field of application.

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